Starry Sun

BIG WIP This is just part of my site where I am gonna write about stuff that i think is cool, still working on it though, trying to figure out how I want to lay it out.

The Misseducation of Cameron Post:

This movie basically follows a lesbian girl in the 1990's and her exploration of queerness, I first found this movie during lockdown and since then I have pretty much watched everything made by Desiree Akhavan who created and directed this movie, this is probably my favorite movie of all time.

Pokemon Y:

This is just a nostalgic game for me, I've played it since I was a kid and I got it second hand for my 3DS, I've played a lot of pokemon games since but this will always be my favorite because of how much I loved it as a child.

Life is Strange:

There are loads of different life is strange games and I've played all the games in this franchise a couple times, I really love the art and the storyline of each of them.

What We Do In The Shadows:

This show is mocumentary documenting the lives of some queer vampires, it genuinely brings me so much happiness.

The Midnight Gospel:

This is an animated show and each episode is a podcast episode that is beautifully animated and really thoughtful I really recommend at least listening to this show.